



Toshiba Protégé G500 實測報告 Part I


2000-5000 元,能撥能接已經很了不起;稍好一點的,就是靠外型,不但強調見仁見智的美感設計,還加進一些已經無關緊要也不甚新鮮的功能,賣價大概在 5000-8000 元左右;好一點的,開賣就在 8000 元以上,什麼神奇的 3GAF 相機、RSS 大概都不能少,「特別」的是,這些手機太多了,好像也都「不怎麼特別」,就算暢銷叫座好了,但搞到滿街都是,不管在 BBS 上問,或是來 PhoneDaily 請高手推薦,好像大家都支持非買這幾台不可。夠了夠了,可以給我一個「有特色」、「有內涵」、「不撞機」的好東西嗎?

答案當然是有的,尤其如果你眼光更高一點,往「智慧型手機」看去,正是所謂「柳暗花明又一村」。瞧瞧!來自日本,道地 MADE IN JAPAN 的智慧型手機 Toshiba Protégé G500,光是產地,就屬市面上絕無僅有的日系 SmartPhone。要想撞機?我看真的很難吧!除非你也跟我一樣高瞻遠矚,但倘若如此,我很誠摯地張開雙臂,歡迎一起加入我的行列,畢竟高處不勝寒,在知音難尋的時代裡,我仍樂於把我購買 Toshiba Protégé G500 後的使用心得,與大家一同分享。

其實很早就注意到這款手機,因為本身也是 Toshiba 筆記型電腦的愛用者,使用多年下來,發現 Toshiba 作電腦的功夫真不是蓋的,尤其最近那款 Protégé R500 更讓我看得口水滴到鍵盤,可惜一台賣 78 萬,並非一般人所能負擔。既然難以忘情 R500 的魅力,那麼這支號稱 Toshiba 第一款智慧型手機的 G500 當然就不容錯過啦。然而卻很少店家在賣這這台,雖然我早早鎖定目標,但記憶中可是走了超過 5 間通訊行,才好不容易入手了。過程中不斷被店家遊說,舉凡「台灣是科技大島,生產的智慧型手機舉世聞名」都聽到很膩。話是沒錯啦!但我上一支某國產品牌智慧型手機的使用印象實在太差,本身又是狂熱哈日族,總覺得買下去不會後悔。但為什麼這麼說呢?

對,體積,就是體積。現在流行的手機不斷強調輕薄短小,但叫我一個大男人拿小手機實在娘到不行,所以琳瑯滿目的小手機很難令我看上眼。也許有些人認為 G500 又 肥又重,隨身攜帶令人受不了,我雖然沒意見,但這正是「特色」的奧妙呀!很多人狂愛當年易利信的泥巴機跟鯊魚機,為什麼呢?耍炫之外,實用性相當重要耶! 看到我寬大粗肥的手掌跟指頭嗎?大手機、大螢幕、大按鍵才能帶給我大大的方便哪!明白這一點,我再也沒辦法去注意那些按鍵生硬、體積輕薄的手機了,不然也 許哪天一個不小心沒拿好,就要準備「手機跳樓大拍賣」也說不定囉。




▲ 其實G500 看不出什麼設計感,外觀非常不起眼。還沒展開滑蓋之前,正面就像四角圓潤的長方形。螢幕上面右側是副鏡頭,可供影像電話使用;下方則是 6 個按鍵,由左至右、從上往下依序是左功能鍵、右功能鍵、主畫面鍵、返回 / 刪除鍵、傳送鍵以及結束鍵。如果沒有撥號需求,其實不必滑蓋就能操作絕大多數的功能。

▲ G500 只採用了 Windows Mobile 5.0 SmartPhone 作業系統,不支援手寫觸控,面積也因此縮小,相當適合手持。但是這偌大的手機,我不可能放在襯衫口袋,更無意塞入褲袋,免得引來路上辣妹們的異樣眼光。那 麼該放哪好呢?答案就是我外出背的書包,上頭剛好設計了這麼一個手機袋,大小可真剛好,多一分太肥、少一分太瘦,令我相當滿意。

▲ 手機右側只有快門鍵和音量鍵。

▲ 手機左側更簡單,只有一個耳機孔,一點也沒有智慧型手機的派頭。

▲ 機頂是電源鍵、背蓋鎖定按鈕以及吊飾孔。想當然我不會在這種智慧型手機上佩掛吊飾啦,怕男子氣概整個煙消雲散,但我建議有意跟隨的弟兄們,如果自認粗心,不妨加個腕帶,免得小小失誤造成大大遺憾。

▲ 機底當然是 mini USB 纜線和旅充接口,接上電腦的 USB 埠後,可順便幫手機充電,對於外出上網的人來說還算方便。

▲ 整體而言,我對 G500 的質感甚不滿意,問題尤其出在手機背面,雖然是 2 百萬畫素相機,但絲毫不見任何設計,這樣一片光滑的配置看起來相當草率。講白一點,這應該是廉價韓國機的風格吧!怎麼日系大廠也跟上這股潮流啦?

▲ 而且看看上圖的補光燈,有沒有搞錯!氣勢太弱了點,是該好好向 Sony Ericsson 看齊喔。

▲ 接著拉下滑蓋,按鍵的配置沒什麼特別,數字 1 到 0 的大小完全相同,底色一襲漆黑,因此按鍵上白色字體的辨識度很高。對我這種粗枝大葉的人來說,這樣恰巧符合簡單、大方、好按的原則,因此毫不吝惜要在這裡給上滿分。

▲ 想必玩家們對於 Windows Mobile 5.0 SmartPhone 作業系統都非常熟悉了。待機主畫面可以自行設定風格,我是複雜派的信徒,所以能秀在上面的,我一樣都不會錯過。主畫面版面配置是 MSN 預設配置,如果再加上 MSN 配置列上排的功能快捷列,撩亂度簡直五花八門,哈哈,但我就是愛。

▲ 第三排是電信系統標誌,接著分別是行事曆、操作模式以及簡訊快捷列,幾乎最常用到的功能都放在桌面了。

▲ 左功能鍵的「開始」就是 WM5 手機之鑰,舉凡所有功能與設定,統統可以在此找到。其餘種種,跟一般 WM5 手機並無二致了,反正就是所謂開放性系統,跟電腦一樣,都是可以安裝應用程式的。 但可別真以為沒什麼特別,G500 賣這麼貴,想必有其獨到特色,而最重要的,就是它的指紋辨識啦。


指紋辨識似乎被大家當作雞肋功能,不是認為用不到,就是覺得沒必要。這邊當然不是要替 Toshiba 鼓吹什麼,只是我真沒想到,它的指紋辨識好像也太多花樣了點。




沒錯!剛剛說我是複雜派的信徒,其實更進一步說,我根本是一味求快的超男人,哈哈,而 G500 正好可以完全滿足我一味求快的超快感。因為在 G500 的邏輯裡,每根手指頭皆有獨特價值,可各自設定不同快捷鍵。


什麼?又是快捷鍵!那麼連同之前的桌面快捷列、MSN 快捷列、簡訊快捷列,會不會太多了點?的確如此,甚至多到可能出現手機記得住、但玩家自己卻記不住的窘境。想想也是,如果 10 根指頭都去設定了,請問還有多少人知道「右手中指可以開 Windows Media Player ,左手小指可以聲控撥號」這些步驟咧?

用圖示來說明會比較清楚一點。首先,從開始 指紋快捷鍵,可以進入指紋註冊頁面。

▲ 因為尚未註冊指紋,系統會指示註冊。因此,按左功能鍵的「選項」進入設定。

▲ 接著,同樣在「指紋啟動程式」中,由於尚未註冊任何指紋,所以要開始進行設定。首先按右功能鍵的「功能表」→ 選項。

▲ 選右手拇指試試看。同樣按「功能表」→ 編輯。

▲ 接著,開始連刷 3 次指紋,如果品質過低,系統會要求重刷,如果能連續 3 次成功採樣,這組指紋就會被記錄下來。

▲ 成功儲存指紋後,便可按「確定」以選取快捷功能。

▲ 按下「確定」後,已經顯示了右手拇指的圖示,接著按「完成」。

▲ 隨後進入指紋啟動程式,這時候便可按「功能表」→「編輯」右手拇指的快捷鍵。

▲ 看到這一堆選項,我打包票保證這是 Toshiba 想要提升玩家記憶力的一大關卡,有心接受挑戰的弟兄們,不如 10 根指頭都給它註冊下去吧!希望屆時進行操作可別自亂陣腳呀。


然而,指紋功能的基本訴求,就是為了安全性而來,這部分 G500 也並未偏廢。但 G500 的指紋防護倒也不是什麼多神奇多了不起的加密設定,簡單說就是「裝置鎖定」。如果再嫌難,那我就更白話一點告訴你:「超過一定時間(例如 1 分鐘)沒操作手機,就會自動上鎖,必須用指紋解開,或者輸入 PIN 碼。」這樣了沒?

▲ 如果看倌們讀得懂上面這句,就會知道 G500 的指紋其實只是「有點神但又不會太神」,因為自動上鎖後的手機,不管用 PIN 碼或者用指紋(而且任何一組已註冊的指紋都可以),擇一就能解除鎖定。

▲ 其實比較理想的指紋加密功能,應該是雙管齊下且互相獨立的。例如開機除了輸入 PIN 碼以外,還需要刷一次指紋;或是檔案總管中,是有些秘密資料夾可供指紋加密。也許我涉機未深,也可能是真的沒有這樣的功能,總之我翻遍說明書,也大致把手 機中相關的安全性設定都把玩過了,終究沒有大發現。呵……還是拿來當動動腦的快捷鍵考驗就好了!



G500 的上網功能和附贈軟體也相當有看頭。接下來要分享的幾個應用方式都很豐富,有興趣的可千萬不要錯過下次的實測報告 Part II 囉。

Toshiba Prot ég é G500 實測報告 Part II




雖然,寫分享文是一件很累人的事情;雖然,前一篇的回應數比我意料中還少;雖然,Toshiba Protégé G900 即將現身,甚至都有水貨開箱文了。但是,我還是堅持把這一篇文章完成,除了替自己買 G500 的理由尋一個交待;更重要的是,實測報告 Part I 的指紋只是小 case,這兒的軟體應用才是精華所在呀!怎麼能不看看咧……。




一台 3G / 3.5G 手機,對我而言,最誘人者莫過於它的上網能力了。雖然本身並非汽車維修員,也沒有一秒鐘幾十萬上下的身價,卻仍深諳時間就是金錢、金錢堆疊科技、科技壓榨荷包的道理,好在現在 3G 上網已經不算貴,除了幾家提供吃到飽費率,甚至還有可以「開開關關」每天付個幾十塊就能用到爽的好康,3G 手機在手,那我還等什麼!


先拿 G500 PhoneDaily 首頁觀摩一下,雖然只是手機螢幕,但能遨遊世界於方寸之間,心中滿是說不出的感動呀。


接著好奇來到 Toshiba 討論區,看著自己的文章備放在置頂、精華區,唷……何止感動,如果再不遮著點,旁人恐怕都要看見我翹得老高的狐狸尾巴了。


3G 還稱不上先進的事實,當然我也很期待 3.5G 1.8M3.6M 速率,而 G500 也的確支援了 3.5G 系統。但如果不位處首善之都,再好的工具也無用武之地,我手上的 G500 正好陷入這樣的窘境,只能天天殷盼業者趕快來佈建,電磁波暫且放一邊,給我高水準的行動寬頻,才是現階段最要緊的工作呀!




跟一般 Windows Mobile 5.0 操作經驗雷同。第一種單欄,就是把網頁自動縮小為長軸,瀏覽網頁時,大致上只需要用到上下方向鍵就足夠。




第三種桌面,就是完全不縮放的方式,如同用電腦開啟 IE 瀏覽器般一覽無遺,但缺點是必須不停的移動方向鍵,為什麼會造成這個情況呢?答案還是螢幕太小,這是沒辦法解決的問題。手機嘛,還能要求什麼咧?


然而,以上的用法終究是要收費的。我的建議是,除非申裝了吃到飽費率,否則像這種 Html 網頁,每開啟一次就會耗時耗費,相當不划算。好在有些網站提供了 Mobile 版本網頁,能讓行動數據族用最快速最廉價的方式取得最精華的資訊。如何?聽起來相當誘人吧!


19 勝的大新聞,如果想去美國職棒大聯盟 MLB 官網看看相關報導及數據,不妨在手機網頁上輸入 wap.mlb.com (我已設定為我的最愛),連上的就是 MLB 官網的 Mobile 網頁,內容還算應有盡有,而且載入速度以及數據花費,都能讓你省下不少時間和金錢。想看今年末段賽程以及季後賽的即時比分,每天早上鎖定這裡包準沒錯。


G500 不會。因為 G500 還內建 Wi-Fi 功能,把手機連上家裡的無線 AP,跟桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦用一樣的網路,把數據費用都省了。


但這不僅令我想到,假如要用家裡的無線 AP 省錢,似乎有點本末倒置了。為什麼呢?因為桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦都在旁邊了,幹嘛還拿手機上網呀?所以說這個神奇的功能,最好用的地方莫過於外頭的速食店與咖啡店,如果你已有帳號的話。說到這裡,我要再一次羨幕台北人:你們的 WiFly 也太好用了吧!什麼時候我們這塊鄉下地方也能使用這麼先進的傳輸設備呢?


最後替上網篇作個小結,也就是提一下缺點的部分。其實以智慧型手機而言,G500 已經很稱頭了,但我使用幾天下來的經驗,每回初次開啟 IE 準備開啟網頁時,等待的時間都會稍微久一些,雖然往後操作就不會出現類似情況,但我老以為當機了,哈哈, CPU RAM 好像是該改進一下。




Windows Mobile 系統最讓人津津樂道的,就是幾乎無所不容的軟體支援能力,運用在可攜式的手機裝置上,尤其不得不提的導航系統,你千萬不能錯過。


我不是第一批搶購 G500 的民眾,很幸運地,獲贈了幾套還滿實用的軟體,以及記憶卡、藍牙 GPS 等玩意兒,開箱文中沒提到,這邊僅用文字帶過,但不知早我一步購買的,以及看了我這些實測文後心動的朋友們是否也能拿到。


PaPaGO! 台灣地圖豪華版 G10 ,在官方推薦購物網站摩買城上,這套軟體的費用大約是 690 – 980 元,不算便宜。但網站上提供了下載試用版,有興趣的朋友不妨使用看看。


PaPaGO! G10




GPS 完成定位之後,一時之間肚子餓了起來,不知道該吃什麼好?我想到了 G500 的聲控導航功能,於是在按下「聲控導航」功能鍵後,對 G500 說 了「餐廳」兩個字。說時遲那時快,乖乖:它還真給我列出附近的餐廳店家,我定睛一看,瞧!這「友竹居」不就正在附近嗎?而且我還看到從前在中壢新明夜市大 排長龍的「簡師傅」麻辣臭豆腐,以及名聞遐邇的老牌新明牛肉麵、永川牛肉麵,感覺食物就好像擺在我的眼前一樣。它真的能就這樣帶我上路耶!想去哪都再也不 是問題了嗎?


G500 喊出「停車場」,然後,不久就知道我該去哪裡暫駐了。而如果在外面迷路了想回家,只要先預載住家方位,迷路後儘管對 G500求救「回家」,亦能使命必達、順利脫困。


PaPaGO! G10 作得算是不錯,然而也幾乎僅止於此了。


SmartPhone 的先天限制,不如 PPC Phone 般 擁有螢幕觸控功能,所以面對滿滿的地圖資料,想針對某個「點」去規劃行程,不能手寫、無法點選,只得靠按鍵的幫忙。偏偏這套軟體的查詢圖資方式,只提供了 「名稱查詢」、「景點查詢」、「縣市」三種,且無法輸入門牌。這也就是說,除非你想去的地方「還算有名」、「夠資格被納入景點」,否則光擁有目的地詳細地 址,G500 最多只能把你帶到附近巷弄,其他找門牌的事情它不負責,玩家只得自求多福。




▲ 即時路況是需要連接藍牙
BT 以告知附近路況的,這個功能可有可無,為什麼這麼說呢?因為行進間操作這項功能必然危險,靜止時操作這項功能卻又意義不大,很矛盾吧?不過有總是比沒有好啦!也許真的迷路了,這個功能就會展現它「貼心」的一面也說不定喔。


▲ 關於「路徑規劃」,
PaPaGO 軟體向來具有「最佳路徑(建議)」、「一高優先」、「福高優先」、「機踏車模式」、「步行模式」、「最短路徑」等選項,各具特色,簡直又多又大碗。只是我依舊得說,SmartPhone 拿來導航是很難的,除非真的只是很單純用到上述聲控式的景點導航,否則,我會比較建議用作「步行模式」,邊逛街邊看地圖。很瞎嗎?錯!這是流行好不好!


▲ 其餘「進階」中的諸多選項,包括系統設定、導航設定、顯示設定、語音設定、即時路況設定等等,有玩
PaPaGo! 的朋友都知道,沒玩 PaPaGO! 的朋友光看圖示也會理解,所以這邊就不再贅言囉!我們來看看下一關……。






這年頭要推加值服務的電信業者跟手機廠商不勝枚舉,但真的徹底改善我們行動生活的,卻只是那寥寥幾樣。最有趣的,莫過於這電子書,明明推起來很無力,大家還是前仆後繼、在所不惜,不管要搭配系統業者,月付若干元看到飽,或是自己安裝 Java 軟體下載,以件論價的方式,答案就是三個字:行不通。


▲ 現在要介紹的電子書軟體,更讓我有點不知所云。不知該說研勤消極還是無力,開發的這個軟體
SmartBook 並沒有什麼特別,其「最大的功用」,就是把你電腦裡的「新增文字文件.txt 」給傳到手機後,可以順利打開瀏覽。就這樣,我說完了。




▲ 我第一次用而已,期限
15 天,看起來,這套軟體是「全英文介面」喔。


▲ 只要把
txt 文件放在手機記憶卡的 My Documents 內,就可以被 Select。我特別弄了一個「電子書.txt」檔案,裡面都是 PaPaGO! 軟體的相關資料,然後用這套 SmartBook 閱覽。




▲ 想要繼續往下看文件的話,除了用方向鍵以外,還可以選擇「
Last Page」或是「Next Page 」,如果直接要指定到第 6 頁(假如這份文件有 6 頁以上的話),也可用 Goto 直接過去。


▲ 比起剛剛提到一般手機也有記事本的功能,SmartBook 畢竟有其獨到的地方,尤其是背景和字型的調整,當然也可以回復預設值啦!






▲ 研勤開發的這套 SmartGenie V5 生活萬用字典來頭不小,比起上面那套電子書,用途廣泛多了。

▲ 即使如此,寫到這邊我還是懶了。畢竟手機字典這種東西,再方便也比不上我們手邊的快譯通;再專業也比不上我們架上的紙本資訊。不過發音有分男女,勉強算是比較與眾不同的地方,各位有興趣可以自行研究。


▲ 除了上述應用程式,我還發現到另外一個不知名資料庫軟體 SmartGenie,是一種很聰明的精靈?

▲ 請原諒小的不才,能力有限。感覺這個程式從頭到尾整個神秘,搞老半天也玩不出心得。所以這邊把圖片放上後,我就自動閃開了,還有請專業的大大們指點迷津喔!



If you've not been following Windows Mobile for as long as I have, you might be forgiven for thinking that the recently announced Toshiba G500 and G900 handsets are Toshiba's first foray into the Windows Mobile market. In fact, Toshiba have a long history with Pocket PC, having produced a number of well received devices worldwide, but particularly in Japan. What is new for Toshiba however is their venture into phone enabled devices, and in particular the upcoming release of their first Windows Powered Smartphone, the G500. Announced at 3GSM this year, the G500 has come from announcement to market in a very short space of time, and is due to hit the streets - SIM free - any day now.

In the light of a pretty stagnant Smartphone market of late, any new devices are very welcome, and particularly devices that look as interesting and innovative as the G500. Welcome to my (P)Review!

Buying the G500

At Expansys, the G500 is currently showing a SIM FREE price of £349.95, which is not expected to change significantly before launch in April. Compared to it's peers (all prices from Expansys )...

Samsung i600: £389.95
Toshiba G500: £349.95
HTC S710: £289.95
HTC MTeoR: £289.95
HTC S620: £264.95
i-mate SPL: £223.59

As you can see, the G500 sits at the top end of the scale when it comes to Smartphone prices, although only the i600 also features 3G, which is £40 more expensive (and also yet to go on sale).

Hardware - Overview

The G500 might not be cheap, but you do get a lot for your money. The specs are as follows...
  • Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone AKU 3.2
  • Intel XScale PXA270 @ 312MHz
  • 64MB ROM
  • 64MB RAM
  • 2.3" QVGA TFT display
  • 802.11b/g WiFi
  • 2 Megapixel Camera with flash + VGA Secondary Camera
  • Fingerprint Reader
  • miniSD expansion
  • 1100mAh battery
  • 49mm x 96mm x 22.9mm
  • 135g
The first thing that stands out of course is the Operating System. WM5 AKU 3.2 is one of the newest releases of Windows Mobile 5, but the device forfeits the newer Windows Mobile 6 OS, in order to speed time to market. There has (of course) been no annoucement at this stage of a potential upgrade. 64MB ROM is lower than found on many devices nowadays, but these aside the specs of the device are very strong. HSDPA and WiFi ensure speedy data connections on the device while a 2.3" screen is slightly larger than found on it's competitors. A very interesting innovation is the integrated fingerprint reader, a first for a Windows Mobile Smartphone.

Hardware - Around the device

Let's start with the front.

The majority of the G500 is finished in titanium coloured plastic, with the exception of the front which has a glossy black finish. At the top of the device sits a small notification LED on the left, the speaker in the middle, and the forward facing camera on the right. Remember this device has video calling! Below the speaker sits the branding. My device is branded "Satellite" as a preproduction model, however the final branding on shipping devices will be "Portege". Next comes the 2.3" screen. The screen is bright and sharp, and sits a few mm inside the device from the screen cover itself. The screen pales somewhat next to the superior screen in the HTC S710 I have been using, yet is perfectly acceptable. Below the screen is the 'Toshiba' branding. A round directional pad dominates the base of the front, and has excellent feel. The pad also supports diagonals! On the left of the pad sits the left soft key, the 'Home' key and the 'Green' key, while on the right sit the right soft key, the 'Back' key, and the 'Red' key. All of the keys have a satisfying click and feel well made.

The whole back of the device serves as the battery cover. Again in Titanium coloured plastic, the back is designed to look like a regular digital camera. Held sideways, the back features Toshiba branding, 2 MegaPixels branding and the camera itself, complete with flash. The speaker sits above the camera. There's no portrait mirror on the camera, but remember you have a forward facing camera on the unit smile.gif Removing the battery cover reveals the battery, SIM slot and the miniSD (yes, miniSD) slot. This can be accessed without turning the device off. A happy medium between safeguarding your card and having it under the battery?

The top of the device is home to the power button, release button for the battery cover and the lanyard hole.

A plastic flap covers the miniUSB port on the bottom of the device. Unlike HTC devices, this is used for only charging and syncing.

The left of the device also has a plastic flap, under which lives the 2.5mm headphone socket.

The right of the device is home to the volume control and the camera button.

Sliding the front of the device upwards (using the excellent spring-assisted mechanism) opens the device with a reassuring 'click', and reveals the keypad. The keypad has a rubbery finish, and feels good to use. The keys have a good feel to them. Flipping the device over reveals the G500's party piece... it's fingerprint sensor. Yes, the fingerprint sensor is only exposed when the device is open.


Due to the fact this is a preproduction device, I don't plan to do a full overview of the software, as this is the one aspect that is certain to change prior to launch.

Toshiba has made a number of additions to the base Windows Mobile 5 for Smartphone OS. These include their own camera client - which is good but has a tendency to forget it's settings on this prerelease build, Toshiba's TIPtalk VOIP client, Opera 8.65, Picsel Office Document Viewer, Software for linking the device to your Toshiba laptop (I was unable to test this) and a suite of software for use with the fingerprint reader. The software allows you to unlock the device with your finger, navigate the menus with your finger, and even launch different applications using different fingers!

The software build in general seems very stable with 2 exceptions, the first being the oddities in the Camera client, and the second being peculiarities around T9 - both of which I am attributing to the preproduction nature of the device.

In use

What's good?

So what do I like about the G500? I like the look and feel of the device as a whole, in that it looks and feels well made. The slider mechanism feels rock solid, which is encouraging. The screen is good, and the actual tactile feedback from all of the keys is excellent. The fingerprint reader, easy to dismiss as a gimmick perhaps, works well. While I don't envisage I would use it regularly to navigate the menus or launch applications, it is convenient to be able to slide open the device and unlock it quickly using only a swipe of the finger... more secure and likely quicker than entering a long PIN.

The G500 definitely blazes a trail as the first HSDPA equipped Smartphone (assuming it arrives for sale before the Samsung i600). Speedy data connectivity and video calling are something many Smartphone users have been crying out for for a while, and when you take these features into account, the asking price appears good value.

The Camera is noticeably better quality than the camera found on HTC devices, and the flash is impressively effective.

What's not so good?

Given the fact that the G500 has come to market so quickly following the launch of Windows Mobile 6, it's difficult to criticise Toshiba for launching with the older Operating System, but there is a danger this will put off prospective 'enthusiast' customers. I'd love to see an upgrade path for G500 buyers, but only time will tell. The 64MB ROM is restrictive compared to the 128MB ROM that is more popular on devices now, but on the plus side the amount left available after the standard build seems favourable compared to other devices.

The software build in general is excellent... I expect the few niggles with the Camera application to be ironed out before launch. On my preproduction unit I have also had problems with the predictive text input (the latest xT9 engine from Tegic) being unable to 'keep up' with my keypresses, so I hope this too is resolved on production units. I plan to get hold of a production device as soon as possible to clarify this.


The G500 is a great device. It feels well built, looks good and has a great specification, in particular it's 3G connectivity. If you are looking for a Smartphone with a high speed connection, then you should seriously give this device some consideration. Even regardless of that, the fingerprint sensor, WiFi, good keypad and fairly decent camera means that it easily holds it's own amongst it's peers.

I very much look forward to testing a full retail unit, and strongly suspect Toshiba could have a winner on their hands!

Pros and Cons overview

  • 3G / HSDPA
  • Video calling
  • Build quality
  • Design
  • 2.3" screen
  • 8 way directional pad
  • Keypad is nice to use
  • Fingerprint Reader
  • WiFi
  • Camera
  • miniSD
  • Windows Mobile 5 as opposed to 6
  • A little 'chunky' due to slider
  • T9 problems (preproduction issue?)
  • Top end of Smartphone price scale
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Topic: Toshiba G500 Preview

Notes: Toshiba G500 is a preproduction unit.

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See also

HTC S710 / Toshiba G500 Camera Faceoff

MoDaCo.TV HTC S710 / Toshiba G500 Preview

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