Grammar Relief (part 3 of 5)
減輕學文法重擔 (五段中的第三段) You raise your hand to ask a question, but you rise to leave at the end of class. And before you lie down to go to sleep, you probably lay your books on the table. Beware of expressions that are similar—but not identical!—to those in your native language. We can say "I appreciate," or "I am grateful," but NOT "I am appreciate." 你舉起(raise)你的手發問,但是你在下課時站起來(rise)走出教室。當你在躺下(lie)睡覺前,你也許將書平放(lay)在桌上。特別注意有些用法和你的母語的用法也許類似,但不盡相同。我可以說「I appreciate」或「I am grateful」。兩者都是我很感激的意思。但是絕對不能說「I am appreciate」。 ☉Word Bank identical (adj) 完全一樣的 |