(2008/08/19 09:44)
比傳聞中更驚人的前第一家庭捲入洗錢案,讓許多平民老百姓們看新聞是愈看愈生氣!現在還有「窮忙上班族」透過e-mail的力量,希望號召眾網友 們連署,一口氣寫了四封信給維吉尼亞大學法學院,並透過各種管道將這封信散播出去,希望能夠集合眾人的力量,讓陳致中再也沒有理由待在美國。
可能是媒體近日報導讓維吉尼亞大學法學院正視問題,也或許是網友卯起來發信奏效,原訂昨(18)天要到美國維吉尼亞大學法學院辦理新生報到,最後 卻沒有現身的陳致中,今天上午最新消息,由於陳致中缺席新生訓練課程,沒有完成註冊程序,已經遭到維吉尼亞大學法學院取消入學資格。
維吉尼亞大學法學院校方人員指出:「陳致中從頭到尾都沒有來學校辦過手續」,而昨天沒有參加新生報到的陳致中,也確定無法註冊成為維校的學生,根 據校方人員的說法是:「他(陳致中)根本沒有開始」。校方人員也指出,如果陳致中要再入學,只能從下個學年開始,而且必須要重新申請。
相信大家這幾天看到前第一家庭的新聞,都很生氣失望。其中陳致中生平從未工作,卻有錢揮霍,靠唸書消磨時間的行為讓人感到不公平。身為一個有在工 作謀生的市井小民,我實在嚥不下這口氣,所以一口氣寫了四封信給維吉尼亞大學的法學院,希望他們重新考慮是否要收這位學生。假如陳同學沒有學校唸,那他也 沒有理由待在美國,就非回台灣面對正義。希望各位能各花30秒的時間,自己挑一封喜歡的信,寄給以下兩個email…
Dear Sir:
Chen Chi chung registered in your school this week. He was also convicted of money laundry in Taiwan this week. Would a school like the University of Virginia take pride in having a student who steals from others? If you let him study in your school, you would be doing injustice to the 23 million people in Taiwan. Studying law was intended to bring justice to the society; ironically, it would be the
exact opposite if you educated him. You would be providing him a sanctuary from the courts of Taiwan by letting him on your campus.
Please reconsider!
Dear Sir:
I am from Taiwan. I heard on the news that Chen Chi Chung,the son of our former president is a student in your school. He left our country with our money under the excuse that he needed to register in your school. His greed and cowardly actions have provoked millions of people in Taiwan. Accepting the son of a former president is one thing, but accepting a thief is another. He and his father, Chen Shui Bian stole money that hard working taxpayers in Taiwan paid. Under the false pretense that the money was intended for health care, education,military defense…etc, this family stole this money and hid it in banks all around the world. I strongly suggest that you withdraw his enrollment so that he has no excuse to hide in the United States anymore. Without a school to go to , he would have no choice but to
face trial and justice in his country. Please help the people in Taiwan!
Dear Sir:
I am from Taiwan. Chen Chih-Chung is from Taiwan, too. He can pay to go to your school with the money of Taiwanese people. But this money does not belong to him, and he took it from hardworking people. If you let Chen Chih-Chung study at your school, it is unfair to all the
people in Taiwan. We work hard for money, but he doesn't. He hides in your country to stay away from jail. Do not let this student study in your school!
To whom this may concern:
Please take time to read this. Thank you.
I am from Taiwan. Our former president, Chen Shui-Bian has beenaccused of money laundry in countries all over the world. His son,Chen Chih-Chung, has registered for law school in the University ofVirginia. Our entire country now knows the University of Virginia to be the place where he plans to hide from justice. If you prohibit him from studying in your school, he would have no choice but to return to our country to face the consequences of his actions. Your judgement would influcence the justice of all the people in Taiwan. Please help us by sending him back!
Sincerely yours,
※ 更多「陳水扁密帳醜聞」新聞請見→http://www.nownews.com/project/0010/985_1.htm
※ 扁家密帳醜聞事件簿
8/13 | 壹週刊爆料陳水扁透過媳婦黃睿靚,將鉅額資金匯往美國。陳水扁透過律師李勝琛否認,表示財產早已信託,不可能匯出國外。 |
8/14 | 立法委員洪秀柱上午爆料,黃睿靚在瑞士以個人和公司名義成立4個帳戶,被瑞士聯邦檢察署認為涉洗錢而遭查封。陳水扁下午召開記者會坦承,由夫人吳淑珍將台北市長、總統大選共4次選舉結餘款匯往海外帳戶,向國人致歉。民進黨晚間發表聲明「支持陳前總統面對司法」。 |
8/15 | 扁辦聲明表示,陳水扁、吳淑珍退出民進黨、對匯款海外情事感到愧疚與自責。晚間特偵組傳喚陳水扁,要求說明陳致中夫婦海外資金流向,同時也以證人身分對陳致中以及黃睿靚發出傳票,但兩人以赴美就學為由,委請陳水扁請假。 |
8/16 | 特偵組檢察官直接到陳水扁家進行搜索,並偵訊陳水扁夫婦,扁珍向檢方供稱,海外帳戶的資金來源包括吳淑珍娘家的錢、陳水扁當律師賺的錢、政治獻金及投資理財賺的錢4個部分;檢察官隨即前往扁辦搜索。晚間10時,陳水扁遭限制出境。 |
8/18 | .陳幸妤在媒體前發飆,怒批扁密帳是政治鬥爭。 .特偵組另分「特他」案偵辦扁家海外資金。 .民進黨台北市黨部評委會18日下午對吳淑珍、陳致中夫婦做出黨籍停權處分。 .黃睿靚住處遭搜索。 .陳致中夫婦改列被告。 |