中國大陸在10月底成功地發射嫦娥1號月球探測衛星到外太空 這個任務是為其2012年的月球登陸計畫做準備. 春華恰巧是發射站的觀光客 她親眼目睹了嫦娥1號的升空 與朋友在e-mail裡討論這次的奇特經驗 我們來看一下她是怎麼用英文掰這個話題! 目睹→ witness [] 發射 → launch [] 1.我感到榮幸能夠目睹嫦娥1號的發射升空,她起飛時帶著一條長煙。 這句話,英文要怎麼說? I felt honored that I witnessed the launch of the Chang'e 1, which took off with a trial of smoke. [解析]: "chang'e"是漢語拼音,/e/是注音符號裡的「ㄜ」。 探測船 → probe [] 月球表面 → lunar surface 軌道→ orbit [] 2.作為首架探測月球表面的探測船,嫦娥1號將要在幾天之間進入月球軌道。 這句話,英文要怎麼說? As the first probe to explore the lunar surface, Chang'e 1 will enter the Moon's orbit in days. [解析]: 「幾天後」用"in days",「幾個星期後」用"in weeks"。 起源、由來→ origin [] 3.當我的外國朋友問起嫦娥名字的出處時,我告訴他們這名字來自古老的中國神話。 這句話,英文要怎麼說? When my foreign friends asked me the origin of the name "Chang'e", I told them it is from China's ancient myth. 著陸 → landing [] 4.隨著這次的成功發射,我期望著2012年的預計月球登陸。 這句話,英文要怎麼說? With the successful launch this time, I look forward to the projected moon landing in 2012. 以下就是春華給友人的e-mail: I felt honored that I witnessed the launch of the Chang'e 1, which took off with a trial of smoke. As the first probe to explore the lunar surface, Chang'e 1 will enter the Moon's orbit in days. When my foreign friends asked me the origin of the name "Chang'e", I told them it is from China's ancient myth. With the successful launch this time, I look forward to the projected moon landing in 2012. Chun-hua |