Just Turned 40? Be Careful on Your New Harley. 剛過四十大關?小心騎你的新哈雷
A midlife crisis is the feeling of anxiety and doubt that 1)occurs when an 2)individual realizes they've already lived half of their life, yet haven't done nearly half the things they always wanted to do. And often they, most usually men, choose to make up for lost time. They buy sports cars, 3)take up 4)youthful hobbies like riding motorcycles, form garage bands and have affairs. Most of these 'hobbies' have 5)downsides. Middle-aged men riding Harleys for the first time often make pit stops in emergency rooms, and happily married men who choose to have affairs usually end up in divorce court. The midlife crisis is an emotional and largely imagined problem; sadly, many men turn them into real flesh-and-blood crises. 當一個人發現自己活了大半輩子,一直想做的事卻未完成一半,此時焦慮和懷疑的感覺油然而生,這就是所謂的中年危機。這些人──多半是男人──通常會選擇彌補逝去的光陰。他們會購買跑車、從事騎摩托車之類等年輕人的嗜好、籌組「車庫樂團」或搞外遇。這些「嗜好」多半帶有負面影響。第一次騎哈雷的中年人常得進急診室「檢修」,婚姻卻選擇婚外情的男人往往落得打離婚官司的下場。中年危機是種情緒引發、多半為想像性的問題;遺憾的是,許多男人都將它轉化成真正的血肉危機。 |