| | | | | | | | | | 主編推薦 | | | | | | | |
KEYS TO LEARNING ENGLISH: | | | | Grammar Relief (part 1 of 5)
減輕學文法重擔 (五段中的第一段) Verb tenses, parts of speech, count and non-count nouns—studying grammar can give you a headache. But if you remember why you study grammar, language learning can be less of a pain. Think of grammar practice as a rehearsal, like a musician playing a difficult piece over and over, or a tennis player practicing his serve. 動詞時態、詞性、可數及不可數名詞——學文法可真讓人頭痛。但是如果你提醒自己為什麼要學文法,學習語言就不會那麼痛苦了。把練習文法當成一種演練,如同一位音樂家重覆演奏一首困難的曲目,或一位網球選手不斷地練習發球。 ☉Word Bank part of speech (n phr) 詞類;詞性 rehearsal (n) 排練;預演 serve (n) 發球 | |
Introduction to Today's Studio Classroom Article | | | | DANCE, DANCE, DANCE 跳舞、跳舞、跳舞
Studio Classroom teacher Billy Leonard's first dancing adventure was also his last 「空中英語教室」老師林威廉透露他初次(也是最後一次)跳舞的刺激體驗 線上收聽 http://StudioClassroom.com | | • | ☆ 街頭改裝車☆ | | 喜歡或興趣**街頭改裝車**的朋友大家一起來...互相交流出遊吧 | |
The Day's Phrase | | | | Jan, it ruffles my feathers to hear you talk about Joe that way. 小簡,聽到你那樣講喬,可真是讓我火冒三丈。 | | | | PChome ePaper 電子報版權所有,關於電子報發送有任何疑問,請聯絡 客服 台北市敦化南路二段105號11樓 ,TEL:(02)2708-8038,FAX:(02)27094848。 | | |