
2007年9月17日 星期一《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese monks fume over net slurs網路誹謗使中國和尚大為光火


《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese monks fume over net slurs網路誹謗使中國和尚大為光火


China’s Shaolin Temple has demanded a public apology from an Internet user who claimed a Japanese ninja beat its kung fu-practicing monks in a showdown, a lawyer said.


An open letter from the temple posted on the Internet recently denied the fight ever took place and called on the person who posted the claim to apologize to the temple’s martial arts masters.


Monks from the temple, nestled in the Songshan Mountains of central China’s Henan province, said they will consider legal action if the person doesn’t make a public apology.


The incident comes amid lingering tensions between China and Japan over World War II atrocities. China is highly sensitive to anything that smacks of Japanese militarism, particularly because many believe Tokyo has yet to show adequate remorse for its wartime actions in China.



fume:原指(有害、難聞或濃烈的)煙霧、氣體,文中作動詞指發怒,例句︰She always fumes when the mail is late.(每次郵件遲到都會讓她火冒三丈。)

slur:指污辱、誹謗,或指污點,例句︰The candidate was viciously slurred by his opponent.(候選人遭到對手惡意中傷。)racial slur則指含有種族歧視意味的污衊用語。

smack of sth:動詞片語,指帶有特定滋味或意味,例句︰Your politeness smacks of condescension.(你的禮貌帶著點紆尊降貴的意味。)
