總發行量: 9,934,439 | 2002-01-18(五) | 每週 一 ∼ 五 出刊 | | 活動快報 | | ☉ | 彭蒙惠英語Advanc ed
精心選自國際知名 報章雜誌,每月給 您政經、管理、理 財、旅遊、名人等 精彩資訊,拓展您 的國際視野,是進 深英語實力最佳的 廣播教學雜誌 !
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| When You Agree or Disagree (Part 5 of 5) 如何表達同意或反對?
Conversation 3 Tom: Hey! Look! Someone dropped their wallet. It has some money. We can share it and get a snack at McDonald's! George: No way! That would be like stealing. Let's look to see if the owner's name and address are inside. We should return it. Tom: Are you crazy? We found it. We should keep it. George: I disagree. Maybe the owner will be so glad to have it back he will give us a reward. Then we will know we've done the right thing, and we'll have money for a snack. Tom: Well, OK. Maybe your plan is better. Activities With a friend, practice agreeing and disagreeing in the following situations: 1. You and a friend have just come from the art museum. Both of you agree that the paintings by a new artist are the best you've ever seen. 2. You and a friend are going across town to a movie. You want to go by bus, but your friend insists that a taxi is best. 3. You are planning a vacation with your husband (or wife). You want to go to the beach, but your spouse wants to go to the mountains. 會話三 湯姆:嘿!你看!有人掉了皮夾,裡面還有一些錢。我們可以把它分了,去麥當勞買點心吃。 喬治:不可以!那就像偷竊啦!我們來看看失主的名字和地址有沒有在裡面。我們應該歸還它。 湯姆:你瘋了嗎?是我們發現它的,我們應該可以留下它。 喬治:我不同意。也許這位失主會因為找回皮夾很高興,而給我們獎賞。那我們就知道這件事作對了,而且我們也會有錢吃點心。 湯姆:唉,好吧,或許你的計畫比較好。 練習: 和朋友練習在下列情況下,表達相同或不同的意見: 1. 你和一位朋友剛從美術館裡出來。你們都認為一位新出道畫家的畫,是你們看過最好的作品。 2. 你和一位朋友要到城的另一頭看電影。你想搭公車,可是你的朋友堅持搭計程車。 3. 你正計畫和先生(或太太)共度假期。你想要去海邊,可是你的配偶想去山上。 | ▲Top (1)insist (v) 堅持 (2)spouse (n) 配偶 | ▲Top ▲Top Q: What's the difference between "hawk" and "eagle"?
A: Hawks and eagles are similar kinds of birds--both are large birds of prey and come from the same classification or "family." Both come from the family "Accipitridae." The eagle is characterized by a powerful hooked bill, keen vision, long broad wings, and strong soaring flight. The hawk is the name for smaller members of the Accipitridae family. Hawks have short hooked bills and strong claws adapted for seizing. Here are a few websites that may help you understand the difference: http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/hawks/hawks.htm http://www.dcaccess.com/~gnealon/ | ▲Top 刮刮初體驗—臉紅心跳 | | 在這春暖花開的季節,懷著興奮與羞怯、用您那顫抖的手,輕輕揭開這薄薄的神祕面紗吧!大眾銀行個人理財網給您開春第一個悸動,想一窺刮完後的神祕禮物嗎?不要懷疑,趕快進來玩吧!
| 贈品是由網友票選出最想要的好禮,有招搖拉風的光陽GRAND DINK 150重型機車,有超炫的Nokia8310手機,尖端的Sony N76C PDA,五星級春天酒店風呂溫泉券,誠品圖書禮券,以及京華城VIP電影票共五百多項獎品,想拿就進來玩ㄅㄟ。
| 活動期間 : 91年1/14—91年2/28止
| 參加資格 : 年滿20歲並於活動期間內同意加入121BANK理財網站並填寫正確個人資料者。
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