
Mining Sequential Patterns

Mining Sequential Patterns

We are given a large database of customer transactions,
where each transaction consists of customer-id,
transaction time, and the items bought in the transaction.
We introduce the problem of mining sequential
pattrriis over such databases. We present three algorithms
to solve this problem, and empirically evaluate
their performance using synthetic data. Two of
the proposed algorithms, AprioriSome and Apriori-
All, have comparable performance, albeit AprioriSome
performs a little better when the minimum number
of customers that must support a sequential pattern
is low. Scale-up experiments show that both AprioriSome
and AprioriAll scale linearly with the number
of customer transactions. They also have excellent
scale-up properties with respect to the number of
transactioiis per customer and the number of items in
a t ransart ion.

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