
Eye Care 1, 2, 3 呵護您的眼

每週 二 出刊.2008.04.15
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Eye Care 1, 2, 3 呵護您的眼
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Tips In Use

Eye Care 1, 2, 3 呵護您的眼

  Our eyes are two of the most important things in our lives. We use them every second we are awake. They help keep us safe, recognize friends, and select things we like. It is possible to lead happy and healthy lives without being able to see, but it would be very different. Therefore, taking good care of your eyes is critical. Washing your eyes with saline1 solution2 is just one way to maintain eye health. It is also important to make foods that are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene3 part of your diet.

  Eyes can be overused just like bodies and minds. Reading, using computers, and other activities amount to daily eye stress. That is why it is a good idea to take time to do eye-relaxing and eye-strengthening exercises. An example of an eye-strengthening exercise would be to move your eyes in all directions. First, keep your head and neck straight while breathing normally. Next, roll your eyes to the left for a few seconds. Blink a few times, and then roll them to the right. Continue to move your eyes in every direction you can–up and down and corner to corner. To relax your eyes, sit with your elbows4 on a desk or table. Rub your hands together until they are warm. Then, shape your hands like cups and place them over your closed eyes.


Building Your Vocabulary 

1. critical a. 緊要的;關鍵性的
We relied on Joe to make the critical decision.

2. blink vi. 眨眼
I can't help but blink in such bright light.
Phrases for Learning 

1. lead a + 形容詞 + life  過著……的生活
Mark has led a peaceful life since he retired.
2. be rich in...  有豐富的……
Both beef and pork are rich in protein.
3. amount to...  等於/意味著……
All the effort I put in has amounted to nothing.
4. in all directions  四面八方,四處
People ran off in all directions when the building was on fire.

1.saline a.(含)鹽的
2.solution n. 溶液
3.beta carotene n. β-胡蘿蔔素
4.elbow n. 手肘
Tips In Use 

...every second we are awake.
以下為各位介紹 awake 及 wake 的不同:
1. awake a. 醒著的 & vi. 醒來(= wake up,三態為:awake, awoke, awoken。)
Vera was awake the whole night.
I awoke when I heard a loud noise.
= I woke up when I heard a loud noise.

2. wake vt. 喚醒 & vi. 醒(常與 up 並用,三態為:wake, woke, woken。)
A loud noise woke me (up).
Ian often wakes up early in the morning.
= Ian often awakes early in the morning.

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