
Out with the Old, In with the New Year 除舊佈新迎新年

本報內容由 常春藤解析英語雜誌社 提供 每週 四 出刊.2007.12.13
Out with the Old, In ... 美妝館No1的BB霜

    Out with the Old, In with the New Year 除舊佈新迎 ...


Out with the Old, In with the New Year 除舊佈新迎新年

by Levi King

"Three, two, one, Happy New Year!" Most people are familiar with the dropping of the ball of lights in New York City, along with the famous fireworks displays in Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, and Taipei. But here are a few lesser-known New Year's Day traditions from around the globe.

In Japan, people send postcards to friends and family. They also fly kites, play games, and read poetry. Some traditions related to Chinese New Year are banging gongs to drive away bad luck and spirits and giving money to children on January 1.

In Spanish-speaking countries around the world, wearing red underwear on New Year's Day is thought to bring good luck in love. In Ecuador, people burn dummies stuffed with paper and firecrackers to symbolize the death of the old year. In Spain and Mexico, people eat 12 grapes to ensure 12 lucky months.

In Scotland, home of the famous New Year song, "Auld Lang Syne," people bring gifts to neighbors just after midnight. In Denmark, people smash old plates to attract new friends. Dutch people believe that doughnuts are good luck because their ring shape symbolizes a complete year.

Around the world, it's common practice to give a loved one a kiss at midnight on New Year's Day. People of many countries also make resolutions, believing that the new year is a good time to leave bad habits behind. Common resolutions include dieting, exercising, or quitting smoking.

Throw a party, watch some fireworks, eat a special food, or make a resolution. No matter where you are, there are plenty of great ways to welcome the New Year.

1. Rio de Janeiro is known for its famous New Year's _____.
(A) resolutions
(B) fireworks show
(C) underwear
(D) ball drop

2. Which of the following is NOT a common New Year's resolution?
(A) Eating doughnuts.
(B) Working out.
(C) Giving up smoking.
(D) Going on a diet.

3. Some New Year's customs in Japan _____.
(A) are derived from Chinese New Year traditions
(B) bring bad luck in other countries
(C) are a closely guarded secret
(D) actually take place in July or August


1. be familiar with...  對……熟悉,熟悉……
be familiar to sb  對某人而言很熟悉
例: Are you familiar with the head librarian at our university?
例: Rice paddies are familiar to me because I grew up in the countryside.

2. along with...  連同……(一起)
= together with...
例: James, along with Tina, went to Victor's wedding.

3. display n. 展示 & vt. 展現
fireworks display  煙火秀
on display  展示中
= on exhibition
例: Linda's sculptures are on display in the lobby of this hotel.
例: The locals tend to display hostility toward strangers.

4. be related to...  與……有關
例: This TV series is related to the movie of the same name.

5. drive away...  趕走……
例: This device is guaranteed to drive away mosquitoes.

6. be stuffed with...  塞滿……
例: Cindy's suitcase was stuffed with new clothes when she came back from Paris.

7. symbolize vt. 象徵
例: The red rose symbolizes love in most cultures.

8. attract vt. 吸引
be attracted by/to...  被……所吸引
例: The bull was attracted by the bullfighter's red cape.
例: Children are easily attracted to toys.

9. make resolutions/a resolution  下決心
make a resolution to V   下決心做……
= be determined to V
= resolve to V
* resolution n. 決心
* resolve vt. 下決心
例: I made a resolution to quit smoking this year.

10. leave...behind  將……拋在後面;遺忘……
例: James accidentally left his cell phone behind in the cab.

11. work out  運動,健身
例: Todd lost a few pounds by working out every day.

12. go on a diet  節食,控制飲食
例: After a woman has a baby, she often needs to go on a diet.

13. be derived from...  來自/起源於……
例: The word "mother" is derived from the Latin word "mater."
("mother" 這個字源自拉丁文的 "mater"。)

14. take place  發生;舉行
例: When did the Gulf War take place?


1.firework n. 煙火(常用複數)
set off fireworks  施放煙火
2.lesser-known a. 較不為人知的
3.postcard n. 明信片
4.kite n. 風箏
fly a kite  放風箏
5.poetry n. 詩(不可數名詞)
poem n. 詩(可數名詞)
6.bang vt. 敲擊
7.gong n. 鑼
8.spirit n. 鬼魂
9.underwear n. 內衣褲
10.dummy n. 假人
11.firecracker n. 鞭炮(常用複數)
set off firecrackers  放鞭炮
12.ensure vt. 確保
13.Auld Lang Syne n. 驪歌

auld lang syne 為蘇格蘭文,直譯成英文是 "old long since" 或 "times gone by",意思是『逝去已久的日子』,在很多西方國家,這首歌通常會在除夕夜演唱,象徵送走舊年,迎接新年的來臨。

14.smash vt. 砸碎
15.doughnut n. 甜甜圈
16.custom n. 習俗
17.guarded a. 受到守護的


1. throw a party  舉行派對
= hold/have a party
2. be known for sth  以某事物聞名
3. give up...  戒除……;放棄……








1. 里約熱內盧以其新年的 _____ 聞名。
(A) 新希望
(B) 煙火秀
(C) 內衣褲
(D) 球體落下
題解: 第一段提到人們對里約熱內盧、雪梨和台北聞名的煙火秀也不陌生,由此可知,應選 (B)。

2. 下列何者不是常見的新年新希望?
(A) 吃甜甜圈。
(B) 健身。
(C) 戒菸。
(D) 減肥。
題解: 根據第五段,常見的新年新希望包括減肥、運動或戒菸,只有 (A) 未被提及,故選之。

3. 有些日本的新年習俗 _____。
(A) 源自於中國春節的傳統
(B) 在其他國家會帶來厄運
(C) 是嚴格守護的秘密
(D) 實際上在七、八月時發生
題解: 根據第二段,日本的新年習俗有敲鑼打鼓來趕走霉運和惡靈,在元旦包紅包給小孩子,而這些是與中國春節相關的傳統,故選 (A)。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A)

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