出處:伊索寓言 •小小啟發: 世界上有什麼事情比自己說出來的話,不被別人相信,還要來的糟糕的呢? •故事內容: 有個牧童(There was a shepherd)很喜歡惡作劇 (who was fond of playing practical jokes),他把羊群帶離村子一段距離之後 (He would drive his flock some distance from the village),就大聲跟村民求救 (and then shout to the villagers for help),說狼來襲擊他的羊群 (saying that wolves had attacked his sheep)。 村民三番兩次聽見他的求救後急忙趕來幫忙 (Two or three times the inhabitants came rushing out in alarm),結果都在牧童哈哈大笑之後,發現受騙回到村子裡 (and then went back with the shepherd laughing at them)。 可是,有一天狼真的來了 (Eventually, however, some wolves really came)。狼就出現在牧童和羊群之間 (They got between the shepherd and his flock),牧童趕緊向村民求救 (and he called the neighbors to aid him)。可是,村民以為又是惡作劇 (But they thought he was up to his usual trick),沒理會他 (and did not bother their heads about him)。他所有的羊,都被狼給吃光了 (So he lost his sheep)。 寓意:喜歡散播謠言的人,即使哪天說了真話,也不會有人相信的。(A scaremonger gains nothing by raising false alarms. He merely makes people disbelieve him when he does speak the truth.) •英文原文: There was a shepherd who was fond of playing practical jokes. He would drive his flock some distance from the village and then shout to the villagers for help, saying that wolves had attacked his sheep. Two or three times the inhabitants came rushing out in alarm- and then went back with the shepherd laughing at them. Eventually, however, some wolves really came. They got between the shepherd and his flock and he called the neighbors to aid him. But they thought he was up to his usual trick and did not bother their heads about him. So he lost his sheep. A scaremonger gains nothing by raising false alarms. He merely makes people disbelieve him when he does speak the truth. |