《中英對照讀新聞》Suggestive card ruffles farmer feathers引人遐想的卡片惹毛農夫
A suggestive birthday card featuring a photo of a poultryman holding a goose has really ruffled the farmer’s feathers and prompted him to file a $7.5 million lawsuit against the photographers and companies who used his image.
Andrew Marsinko claims he never signed a release allowing his photo to be used for commercial purposes. Now he’s suing for a variety of reasons, including defamation and reckless infliction of emotional distress.
The front of the card features Marsinko holding a goose on one knee, under the words, "Since it’s your birthday, you decide — Would you rather get spanked…" and then, inside︰"Or goosed? Happy birthday!"
The portrait was taken at the 1996 State Fair of Virginia by photographer John Burwell, who had been hired to take promotional photos for the fair. The card was sold throughout the United States and Canada last year. During that time, Marsinko says he was the object of ridicule at auctions and livestock shows across the country.
suggestive:暗示性的、引人聯想的,或指會引起不當行為的,例句︰Some of his lyrics are rather suggestive.(他的歌詞有些極具暗示意味。)
ruffle someone’s feathers:使某人不安、激怒某人。例句︰She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues.(她總有辦法讓同事們感到不安。)ruffle原本指弄皺,例句︰The birds ruffled their feathers (up) in alarm.(鳥兒們受驚而豎起羽毛。)亦可指觸怒、惹惱,如︰He’s easily ruffled by criticism.(他很容易被批評惹火。)
goose:非正式用語,文中作動詞,指捏或戳某人的臀部,亦可指促使採取行動,例句︰He goosed the governor to sign the tax bill.(他促使州長簽署賦稅法案。)