(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:開發新產品之過程 (產品缺失)
Anne, a quality control inspector at the Formosa Garment Company, is having a meeting with Tim, the production supervisor, to discuss a batch of T-shirts which didn't meet the company's quality standards. Ann - "Formosa Garment Company" 的品管督察,她正與產品負責人 Tim 開會討論一組未符合公司品質標準的 T-shirt。 |
Anne: Good morning, Tim. Anne:早安,Tim。
Tim: Good morning, Anne. Tim:早安,Anne。
Anne: I want to show you the T-shirts that were produced yesterday during the evening shift. The red dye from the fabric has run onto the white and the sewing is coming undone at the seams. This is totally unacceptable! Anne:我想讓你看看昨天晚班人員所製作的T-shirt。纖維布料上的紅色染料流到白色的部份,而且縫合處的縫線都鬆開了。這讓人完全無法接受!
Tim: I wasn't aware of the dye running, but I knew that there have been some problems with the new sewers who were just hired. Tim:我沒注意到染料暈開了,不過我知道那位新來的裁縫師是有些問題。
Anne: Those sewers will have to get their act together or we'll have to let them go. The whole batch will have to be scrapped and we've lost another eight hours of production. Anne:以後那些裁縫師要更加把勁,否則就得讓他們走路了。這整批貨都要報廢,而我們已浪費八小時的生產時間。
Tim: The mixer wasn't working properly yesterday, so that was probably why the dye wasn't mixed properly and ran. I'll have the mechanic look at it again and I'll keep an eye on the new sewers. Tim:昨天攪拌機的運作出了點問題,所以這可能是染料沒有被攪拌好而暈開的原因。我會請技師再檢查一遍,並且好好盯著那些新來的裁縫師。
Anne: I'm going to have to fill out a rejection form and I'll need you to sign it. Anne:我會填好退件單,然後需要你在上面簽名。
Tim: Heads are going to roll when I get back out onto the floor! Tim:等我回到工廠時,有人要倒大楣了!
重要字詞講解:1. inspector (n.) 督察員;視察員 例:Anne, a quality control inspector at the Formosa Garment Company, is having a meeting with Tim. (Ann - "Formosa Garment Company" 的品管督察,她正與產品負責人 Tim 開會。) 例:The school inspector will come to visit our school tomorrow. (督學明天會來參觀我們的學校。) 2. batch (n.) 一批;一組;一堆 例:They are discussing a batch of T-shirts which didn't meet the company's quality standards. (他們在討論一組未符合公司品質標準的 T-shirt。) 例:Our new neighbor brought a batch of homemade cookies to us. (我們的新鄰居帶了一堆手工的餅乾來給我們。) 3. evening shift 晚班 例:I want to show you the T-shirts that were produced yesterday during the evening shift. (我想讓你看看昨天晚班時製作的 T-shirt。) 例:They will eliminate people who refuse to work the evening shifts. (他們會淘汰拒絕做晚班工作的人。) ※ 小叮嚀: "shift" 做名詞使用時,是指「輪班的工作」。所以有 "morning shift"(早班)、"afternoon shift"(午班)、"night shift" (夜班)等等。 4. dye (n.) 染料;染色 例:I wasn't aware of the dye running, but I knew that there have been some problems with the new sewers who were just hired. (我沒注意到染料暈開了,不過我知道那位新來的裁縫師是有些問題。) 例:How can I keep my hair dyes from fading? (我要如何避免我的染髮褪色?) 5. scrap (v.) 將 … 損毀、廢棄 例:The whole batch will have to be scrapped and we've lost another eight hours of production. (這整批貨都要報廢,而我們已浪費八小時的生產時間。) 例:We decided to scrap the idea and adopted other strategies. (我們決定要放棄這個想法,改採用其它的策略。)
小試身手 1. The whole ____ of hair ____ was examined by the ____ and the overdue ones are going to be ____ this afternoon. (這整批的染髮劑已被視察員檢查過,而過期的那些將在今天下午被報廢掉。) 2. The ____ of fabric has been completed during the evening ____ and shipped to the mainland China today. (那一批布料已在晚班時完成,並在今天裝運到大陸了。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The whole batch of hair dyes was examined by the inspector and the overdue ones are going to be scrapped this afternoon. (這整批的染髮劑已被視察員檢查過,而過期的那些將在今天下午被報廢掉。) 2. The batch of fabric has been completed during the evening shift and shipped to the mainland China today. (那一批布料已在晚班時完成,並在今天裝運到大陸了。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 打起精神;以有組織、效率的方式做事 get one's act together … 例:Those sewers will have to get their act together or we'll have to let them go. (那些裁縫師要更加把勁,否則就得讓他們走路了。) 例:You need to get your act together before you get fired! (在你被炒魷魚前,你得打起精神好好做事!) 2. (某些人)將被處罰或開除 … heads will roll … 例:Heads are going to roll when I get back out onto the floor! (等我回到工廠時,有人要倒大楣了!) 例:The boss warned us that heads will roll if we don't get things done by the end of the month. (老闆警告過我們如果我們沒在月底前把事情做好,有些人就要被開除了。) ※ 小叮嚀: "heads will roll" 字面上的意義為「人頭落地」,意指某些人因犯了嚴重的錯誤而導致要被開除或受懲。 小試身手 1. 信不信由你!要是沒有人要出面承擔錯誤,有些人就要被開除了。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 我必須找個方法讓我們更有效率一點,否則我們最終會失去獲勝的機會。 _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. Believe it or not! Heads will roll if no one takes the blame for the mistake. 2. I must find a way to get our act together, or we'll lose the chance to win eventually. | |