
The Mysterious Honeybee Disappearance 神秘的蜂群消失事件

本報內容由 常春藤解析英語雜誌社 提供 每週 四 出刊.2008.01.10
The Mysterious Honey ... 你家從年頭亂到年尾嗎

    The Mysterious Honeybee Disappearance 神秘的蜂群 ...



The Mysterious Honeybee Disappearance 神秘的蜂群消失事件

by Rebecca A. Fratzke

Honeybees are used to help many crops flower and grow. Thus, they play an extremely important _(1)_ in agriculture. However, since 2006, beekeepers in the US have seen a dramatic drop in honeybee numbers. Within five months during that year alone, honeybee populations were _(2)_ by 60%. Europe has also been experiencing drops in honeybee populations. Yet, in all cases, the reasons for the _(3)_ are not perfectly clear, leaving scientists scrambling to find answers.

The true mystery _(4)_ the fact that honeybees are disappearing abruptly, a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) (蜂群衰竭失調現象), and many factors are causing it to happen. One is the Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV). IAPV was brought into the US by honeybees _(5)_ from Australia. It causes shaking wings, paralysis, and death. Additionally, changes in the honeybees' behavior have been observed that affect their navigational abilities. This results in honeybees leaving their hive as _(6)_, but then being unable to find their way back. As a consequence, only the queen and a few adolescents are _(7)_ in the hive.

Strangely, honeybees _(8)_ IAPV in Australia do not have these behavioral changes. Experts believe that the varroa mite (蜂蝨), which is prevalent in the US but _(9)_ in Australia, is the reason. Varroa mites attack whole colonies and weaken the honeybees' immune systems, making them _(10)_ to viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Still, scientists are unsure what exactly is causing CCD. With US$15 billion and 11% of food crops at stake in the US, they aren't giving up.

(A) imported  (B) role  (C) absent  (D) lies in  (E) left behind
(F) reduced  (G) infected with  (H) declines  (I) vulnerable  (J) usual


1.Thus, they play an extremely important role in agriculture.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 play,故可知空格應置入名詞 role 作其受詞,並形成下列固定用法:
play an important role in...  在……上扮演重要角色
例: The bad weather here played an important role in my decision to move.
b. 根據上述,(B) 應為正選。

2. Within five months during that year alone, honeybee populations were reduced by 60%.
a. 空格前是 be 動詞 were,空格後是介詞片語 by 60%,可知空格應填入過去分詞,形成被動用法。
b. 選項中為過去分詞的有 (A) imported(被進口)、(E) left behind(被遺留)、(F) reduced(被減少)與 (G) infected with(被感染),然根據語意,此處應是指蜜蜂數量『銳減了』百分之六十,故選 (F)。

3. Yet, in all cases, the reasons for the declines are not perfectly clear,...
a. 空格前為定冠詞 the,可知空格內應置入名詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (H) declines(下降;減少)為名詞,置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. decline n. 下降;減少

4. The true mystery lies in the fact that honeybees are disappearing abruptly,...
a. 空格前為第三人稱單數主詞 The true mystery,空格後為名詞 the fact,可知空格應填入第三人稱單數的及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
b. 符合上述條件的僅有 (D) lies in(在於……),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. lie in...  在於……
例: Her self-confidence lies in the fact that she's pretty.

5. IAPV was brought into the US by honeybees imported from Australia.
a. 空格前為完整的句構,可知空格內應置入現在分詞或過去分詞,和 from Australia 形成分詞片語,用以修飾空格前的名詞 honeybees。
b. 根據上述,得知可置入 (A) 選項,形成下列固定用法:
be imported from + 地方  自某地進口
例: She has a set of modern kitchen equipment imported from Germany.
c. 根據上述,故選 (A)。

6. This results in honeybees leaving their hive as usual, but then being unable to find their way back.
a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
as usual  一如往常
例: As usual, Tony was late for work this morning.
b. 根據上述,故選 (J)。

7. As a consequence, only the queen and a few adolescents are left behind in the hive.
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 are,空格後為地方副詞 in the hive,得知空格內可置入形容詞或分詞,來修飾主詞 the queen and a few adolescents。
b. 符合上述的有 (C) absent(不在的)、(E) left behind(被遺留的)、(G) infected with(感染)和 (I) vulnerable(易受傷的),然根據語意,本處應指巢中只『留下』女王蜂和一些幼蜂,(E) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. be left behind  被遺留下來
leave...behind  遺留下……
例: Ron didn't pay attention as he left the party, and he left his wallet behind.

8. ...honeybees infected with IAPV in Australia do not have these behavioral changes.
a. 本句的主詞是 honeybees,動詞是 have,these behavioral changes 是受詞,句構完整,故空格應置入現在分詞或過去分詞,與 IAPV in Australia 構成分詞片語,以修飾主詞 honeybees。
b. 符合上述的分詞片語僅剩 (G) infected with(被感染),置入後語意亦正確,故選之。
c. be infected with + 疾病  感染(上)……(疾病)
例: Gina was infected with a rare disease after a bat bit her.

9. ...varroa mite, which is prevalent in the US but absent in Australia, is the reason.
a. 空格前的 but 為對等連接詞,用以連接兩個對等的單字、片語或子句,空格前為形容詞 prevalent,可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 選項中的形容詞有 (C) absent(不存在的)和 (I) vulnerable(易受傷害的),由於連接詞 but 前後的語意應該是相反的,故蜂蝨在美國雖然很常見,在澳洲卻『不存在』,因此 (C) 置入後符合語意,故選之。

10. Varroa mites attack whole colonies..., making them vulnerable to viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
a. 空格前的 make 為不完全及物動詞,加受詞後意思並不完全,須接名詞或形容詞作受詞補語。
b. 符合上述僅有 (I) vulnerable(易受傷害的),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. vulnerable a. 易受傷害的(與介詞 to 並用)
be vulnerable to...  易受到……(傷害、影響)
例: Since Al was born weak, he is vulnerable to colds.


1. alone a. 僅僅,只有(用於名詞後)
例: I alone am responsible for what happened.

2. scramble to V  緊急(做)……
例: Susan forgot to do her homework and had to scramble to finish it before class.

3. result in...  導致/造成……
= lead to...
例: Exposure to radiation can result in cancer.

4. as a consequence  結果,因此
= consequently
= as a result
例: The teacher caught Jim cheating. As a consequence, he got an F on the test.

5. at stake  在危險關頭
例: You must do this project well. Your job is at stake.


1. mysterious a. 神秘的
2. crop n. 作物
3. agriculture n. 農業
4. dramatic a. 顯著的,重大的;戲劇性的
5. population n.(動植物的)總數;人口
6. perfectly adv. 完全地
7. abruptly adv. 突然地
8. collapse n. 暴跌;倒塌
9. acute a. 急性的
10. paralysis n. 麻痺,癱瘓
11. additionally adv. 此外
12. navigational a. 飛行的,航行的
13. hive n. 蜂巢
14. adolescent n. 青少年(本文指幼蜂)
15. behavioral a. 行為的
16. varroa mite n. 蜂蝨(蜜蜂身上的寄生蟲)
17. prevalent a. 流行的;盛行的
18. immune system n. 免疫系統
19. fungi n. 真菌(複數形)
fungus n. 真菌(單數形)


* be used to V  被用來做……
be used to + N/V-ing  習慣……


蜜蜂被用來幫忙許多作物開花、生長。因此,牠們在農業上扮演極重要的角色。然而,自 2006 年起,美國的蜂農目睹蜜蜂數量顯著下降。該年光是五個月內蜜蜂數量就銳減了百分之六十。歐洲也同樣發生蜜蜂數量減少的現象。然而,在所有的案例中,造成數量下降的原因並不全然清楚,讓科學家急忙尋找答案。


奇怪的是,在澳洲感染 IAPV 的蜜蜂不會發生這種行為失序。專家相信這是因為美國蜂蝨橫行,而澳洲沒有蜂蝨所造成的。蜂蝨會攻擊蜂群,並削弱蜜蜂的免疫系統,使牠們對病毒、細菌和真菌失去抵抗力。雖然還不確定造成 CCD 現象真正的主因為何,但因為牽涉到美國面臨一百五十億美元的損失和百分之十一的糧食作物短缺,科學家還在努力尋找原因。

標準答案:1. (B) 2. (F) 3. (H) 4. (D) 5. (A)  6. (J) 7. (E) 8. (G) 9. (C) 10. (I)

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