出處:伊索寓言 •小小啟發: 烏鴉為了證實自己有能力當鳥中之王,開口大叫,結果嘴裡的肉卻掉了下去,被狐狸拿了去。 為了證明自己的能力,而喪失原本擁有的事情,這樣好嗎? •故事內容: 一隻烏鴉停在樹上(A crow sat in a tree),嘴裡叼著剛偷來的肉(holding in his beak a piece of meat that he had stolen)。狐狸看到了(A fox which saw him),就想把肉弄到手(determined to get the meat),於是牠就站在樹下(It stood under the tree),大力讚美烏鴉是美麗的大鳥(and began to tell the crow what a beautiful big bird he was),應該做鳥中之王(He ought to be king of all the birds);還說(the fox said),如果它能夠出聲說話,鳥王的寶座必定手到擒來。(and he would undoubtedly have been made king, if only he had a voice as well) 急於表現自己確實有說話的能力(The crow was so anxious to prove that he had a voice),烏鴉聒聒大叫,嘴裡的肉就掉了下去(that he dropped the meat and croaked for all he was worth)。這時候,狐狸衝了上去,一口把肉咬走,對著烏鴉說(Up ran the fox, snapped up the meat, and said to him):「如果你有大腦,也許還有可能當王。」(If you added brains to all your other qualifications, you would make an ideal king) •英文原文: A crow sat in a tree holding in his beak a piece of meat that he had stolen. A fox which saw him determined to get the meat. It stood under the tree and began to tell the crow what a beautiful big bird he was. He ought to be king of all the birds, the fox said; and he would undoubtedly have been made king, if only he had a voice as well. The crow was so anxious to prove that he had a voice, that he dropped the meat and croaked for all he was worth. Up ran the fox, snapped up the meat, and said to him: " If you added brains to all your other qualifications, you would make an ideal king." |