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親愛的讀者,您好: 【看懂英文故事?小Case!】電子報內容將於2007/12/19(星期三)全部連載完畢,感謝您長久以來的支持及鼓勵。PChome ePaper電子報還有更多教育學習電子報,歡迎您繼續免費訂閱: | | • | 法國風情優美的香頌熱情的拉丁 | | 這是依各法語-拉丁歌曲的家族,讓大家再英文歌曲之外的另一個選擇,香頌的慵懶,拉丁的熱情,好聽的情歌永遠不變. | |
伊索寓言 | | | | 看不見自己,卻照亮了別人
出處:伊索寓言 •小小啟發: 這世界就是這樣的,有些人成了別人的明燈,自己的世界卻伸手不見五指。 •故事內容: 一個算命師在市場幫人算命 (A fortune-teller was sitting in the market place),生意非常的好 (and doing good business)。有人突然跑過來告訴他 (Suddenly a man came and told him),他家的門從鉸鏈的地方被扯開來 (that the door of his house had been wrenched from its hinges),裡頭所有的東西都被偷走了 (and all his possessions carried off)。他跳了起來 (He jumped up),大叫一聲 (and with a cry of consternation),跑回去看看發生什麼事情 (ran to see what had happened)。一位旁觀者看著他說 (A bystander who was watching him said):「你可以預知別人會發生的事情 (You profess to foretell what is going to befall other people),怎麼無法掌握自己的災難?(but you did not foresee your own misfortune.)」 寓意:這個故事在諷刺,有些人愚蠢的人(This fable exposes the folly of men),連自己的生活都管不好了 (who mismanage their own lives),卻對非關自己的事情,聲稱獨有洞見 (yet claim to possess foresight in matters which do not concern them)。 •英文原文: A fortune-teller was sitting in the market place and doing good business. Suddenly a man came and told him that the door of his house had been wrenched from its hinges and all his possessions carried off. He jumped up and with a cry of consternation ran to see what had happened. A bystander who was watching him said: " You profess to foretell what is going to befall other people, but you did not foresee your own misfortune." This fable exposes the folly of men who mismanage their own lives, yet claim to possess foresight in matters which do not concern them. | |
字彙解釋 | | | | 1.suddenly (adv.):突然地 2.wretch (vt.):猛拉 3.possession (nc.):所有物 4.consternation (nu.):焦急 5.bystander (nc.):旁觀者 6.profess (vt.):聲稱 | |
文法解讀 | | | |
譯文 | | | | 一個算命師在市場幫人算命,生意非常的好。有人突然跑過來告訴他,他家的門從鉸鏈的地方被扯開來,裡頭所有的東西都被偷走了。他跳了起來,大叫一聲,跑回去看看發生什麼事情。一位旁觀者看著他說:「你可以預知別人會發生的事情,怎麼無法掌握自己的災難?」 寓意:這個故事在諷刺,有些人愚蠢的人,連自己的生活都管不好了,卻對非關自己的事情,聲稱獨有洞見。 | | |