Tips on Writing Personal Letters (part 3 of 12)
寫個人書信的訣竅 (十二段中的第三段) Here are some guidelines to follow as you keep in touch by mail. 1. Write the heading at the top of the first page on the right-hand side. This includes your address and the date. Also, write your address in the top left-hand corner of the envelope. When writing to close friends, a heading isn't necessary. But always put a return address on the envelope. 這裡有一些在書信連絡時可以遵行的準則。 1. 將信首寫在第一頁的右上方,裡面有你的地址和寫信的的日期,還有將你的地址寫在信封的左上角。寫信給熟朋友時並不需要信首,可是一定要在信封上寫下退件地址。 ☉Word Bank keep in touch (v phr) 保持聯絡 |