

每週 二 出刊.2009.02.03
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Andy Warhol Exhibition 普普教父:安迪.沃荷世界巡 ...
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Extra Words
Tips In Use
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More to Know


Andy Warhol Exhibition 普普教父:安迪.沃荷世界巡迴展

  Andy Warhol was one of the central figures in the Pop Art movement1, which started in the mid 1950s. His works have been seen by millions and are memorable because of the original ideas behind them. They usually include bright colors and contrasts2. It is likely that you already know a few of his works, such as the Campbell's soup can painting or the portraits3 of Marilyn Monroe. Warhol's interests went beyond art and included film making, record producing, and writing.

  Warhol's art is not just nice to look at. It also reflects what was happening in the world at that time. Some examples of this are his famous portrait of Mao and his magazine cover of the Mafia4 on trial.

  Warhol also came up with the phrase "15 minutes of fame." It refers to how quickly the media jumps from one story to the next. This means someone could be hot news today and forgotten tomorrow.

  If modern art is right up your alley, then don't miss your chance to see Andy Warhol's works in person. An exhibition of his art is being held at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial5 Hall until March 29. Make plans to see Andy Warhol's masterpieces6 right away!




Building Your Vocabulary 

,font color="#003399">1. memorable a. 難忘的;值得懷念的
Our trip to Italy was memorable.
,font color="#003399">2. reflect vt. 反映,顯示
This song reflects my feelings about you.
Phrases for Learning 

1. on trial  受到審判
Toby was on trial for several murders.
2. refer to...  指的是……
I wasn't referring to you when I made those comments.
3. be right up + 所有格 + alley  正合某人胃口
Extreme sports are right up Tony's alley.
4. in person  親自地
You need to hand in these forms in person.
Extra Words 

1. movement n.(政治、社會方面的)運動
2. contrast n.(顏色、明暗的)反差
3. portrait n.(人的)畫像,肖像
4. the Mafia n. 黑手黨
5. memorial a. 紀念的,追悼的
6. masterpiece n. 傑作,名作
Tips In Use 

It refers to how quickly the media...
以下為您介紹"refer to..."的常見用法:
1. refer to... 指的是……
refer to A as B 把A稱作B
Joseph referred to his daughter as his little angel.
2. "refer to..."亦可表『查閱……』,等於 consult。表『查字典』時,其後直接加『字典』作受詞,如:refer to/consult a/the dictionary;但受詞若是『單字』時,則必須用"look up..."表示之,如:look up the word in the dictionary(在字典裡查那個單字),不可說 look up the dictionary。
More to Know 

普普藝術(Pop Art)亦常譯為『波普藝術』,其名稱中的Pop就是popular的簡寫,由此不難想像這種藝術風潮的基本精神。普普藝術於1950年代始於英國,當時一些年輕的英國藝術家從美國的大眾文化中得到啟發,因而發展出這種通俗、年輕、創意、大量製作、機智詼諧、商業化的新藝術潮流。爾後,這樣的普普精神回傳到美國,普普藝術才迅速發展並興盛於國際間,正式成為一種美術運動。普普藝術主要從媒體影像及日常生活中取材,注重主題而不拘形式,以搶眼的顏色及大方的幾何線條為其最大特色。
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