
Louis XIV 法王路易十四

每週 二 出刊.2008.09.02
本 期 目 錄 簡介/舊報明細
Louis XIV 法王路易十四
Building Your Vocabulary
Phrases for Learning
Tips In Use
Biography 人物傳記 

Louis XIV 法王路易十四

  Louis XIV was the king of France from 1643 to 1715. Many thought his birth was a miracle1. This is because King Louis XIII and his wife had been married for 23 years without having a child. When Louis was finally born, he was named Louis-Dieudonné, which means "given by God." The whole nation of France was relieved that there was an heir2 to take over the country, and they celebrated his birth.
  Louis became king of France at the age of four after his father passed away. When he was young, his mother and a cardinal3 helped him rule. During this time, there were several rebellions4 against the government, but they failed. When the cardinal died, Louis XIV declared that he would govern France all by himself. He was only 23 years old.
  Louis XIV thought he was very special. When he became king, he used pictures of the sun to represent himself. He believed that, like the sun, everything centered around him. He was called the Sun King and Louis the Great because he was so powerful.
Louis XIV



Building Your Vocabulary 

1. relieved a. 寬慰的,不再憂慮的
Greg was relieved when he found his cat.
2. declare vt. 宣佈;聲稱
Rita declared that she would retire soon.
3. govern vt. 管理,統治(國家)
That country is governed by a violent man.
4. powerful a. 權力強大的,有勢力的
Al is the most powerful person in this office.
Phrases for Learning 

1. take over...  接管/接任……
Who will take over Ron's job after he quits?
2. center around...  以……為中心
Meg's life centers around her children.

1. miracle n. 奇跡
2. heir n. 繼任人;繼承人
3. cardinal n. 紅衣主教,樞機主教
4. rebellion n. 叛亂;造反
Tips In Use 

Louis XIV was the king of France from 1643 to 1715.

  本文中使用了一些羅馬數字(Roman numerals),它們看似複雜,但其實有跡可循,只要掌握『左減右加』的原則,大家就能一目了然。另外,若在上面加上一小槓(‾),就是再乘 1,000。
I or i = 1 → II = 2, III = 3
V or v = 5 → IV = 4, VIII = 8
X or x = 10 → XIX = 19, XXI = 21
L or l = 50 → LIV = 54
C or c = 100 → CL = 150
D or d = 500 → DC = 600
M or m = 1,000 → M = 1,000,000
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