(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:開發新產品之過程 (設計師與工程師的協調) Jeff, the product designer at the Tai-Tech Company, is having a meeting with Lily, an engineer at the same company, and they are discussing Jeff's new integrated keyboard and mouse design. Tai-Tech Company 的產品設計師 Jeff 正與 Lily 開會。Lily 是這家公司的工程師,他們正在討論 Jeff 的鍵盤與滑鼠整合的新設計。 |
Lily: I'm really impressed with your design, Jeff. Lily:Jeff,我對於你的設計印象不錯。
Jeff: Thanks a lot. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from everyone in the office so far. Jeff:多謝了。目前辦公室同事讓我獲得不少正面回應。
Lily: Our team will try and integrate the mouse and the keyboard into one product. Lily:我們團隊會盡力試著將滑鼠和鍵盤整合為單一產品。
Jeff: Hopefully you'll be able to produce a wireless version for high-end consumers too. Jeff:希望你們也能針對優質顧客,發展出無線款式。
Lily: We will try and make both prototypes. We'll see how everything goes. Lily:我們會試著設計出兩種樣式。然後看看事情的進展如何。
Jeff: I'm sure that you will be successful! Jeff:我相信你們一定會成功的!
Lily: What makes you so sure? Lily:為什麼你這麼確定?
Jeff: With all of the tech savvy engineers working in your department, I'm sure that you'll be able to do it! Jeff:你們部門有了那些高技術的工程師,我確定你們一定能夠做得到的!
Lily: It shouldn't be too difficult. Wireless technology has come a long way in the past few years. Lily:這應該不會太困難。無線科技在過去幾年裡已有長足地進步。
Jeff: Right! It should be a piece of cake for you. Jeff:是啊!那對你們應該不成問題。
Lily: Are you familiar with wireless technology? Lily:你對無線科技熟悉嗎?
Jeff: No! I'm not a techie! I know about design software, but that's about it. Jeff:不!我不是個科技專家!我只知道有關設計軟體的事。
Lily: Well, I must be on my way. I have a busy schedule today. Lily:嗯,我得走了。我今天的行程很滿。
Jeff: Okay. Let me know if you encounter any problems! Jeff:好。要是你遇到什麼問題,讓我知道一 下!
Lily: Will do! Lily:好的!
重要字詞講解: |
1. integrate (v.) 結合;整合 例:Our team will try and integrate the mouse and the keyboard into one product. (我們團隊會盡力試著將滑鼠和鍵盤整合為單一的產品。) 例:One of their tasks would be integratinghigh-tech products with traditional art. (他們任務之一是將高科技產品與傳統藝術結合起來。) 2. prototype (n.) 模式;原型 例:We will try and make both prototypes and see how everything goes. (我們會試著做出兩種模式,然後看看事情會進行的如何。) 例:The engineers in RD apartment might need to see a prototype of the machine to move on their plans. (研發部的工程師必須先看到機器的原型才能繼續他們的計劃。) ※ 小叮嚀: "prototype" 通常指工業方面的機器尚未完全確定前的模型。若要表達某東西的原型,可使用介系詞 "of" 或是 "for"。 例:prototype of / for a scale(磅秤的原型)。 3. savvy (adj.) 精通的;熟練的 例:With all of the tech savvy engineers who work in your department, I'm sure that you'll be able to do it! (有了那些技術高超的工程師在你們的部門,我們確定你們一定能夠做得到的!) 例:I know some backpackers who are all savvy saving money during the trip. (我認識一些背包客,他們全都很了解如何在旅程中省錢。) ※ 小叮嚀: "savvy" 常當名詞使用,為「… 的知識或技能」。例:business savvy(商業知識)。 4. techie (n.) 精通高科技的專家(尤指電腦方面) 例:I'm not a techie! I know about design software, but that's about it. (你想打個賭嗎?) 例:You might ask for Kevin's help. He is a techie who knows how to set up the software. (你可以求助於 Kevin。他是個知道怎麼灌軟體的的電腦專家。) 5. encounter (v.) 遭遇 例:Let me know if you encounter any problems! (要是你遇到什麼問題,讓我知道一 下!) 例:They encountered lots of unexpected difficulties when producing this film. (在拍這部片子的時候,他們遇到了很多出乎意料的困難。)
小試身手 1. The boss has hired a ____ who plans to ____ the ____ of our new products with current electronic ones. (老闆已經雇用到一個科技專家,他打算要將我們新產品的原型與現有的電子產品做結合。) 2. If you ____ any problems during the experiment, you can call Sally who is ____ about all the procedure. (如果你在實驗期間遇到任何問題,你可以打給Sally,她對於所有的流程很熟練。) 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The boss has hired a techie who plans to integrate the prototypes of our new products with current electronic ones. (老闆已經雇用到一個科技專家,他打算要將我們新產品的原型與現有的電子產品做結合。) 2. If you encounter any problems during the experiment, you can call Sally who is savvy about all the procedure. (如果你在實驗期間遇到任何問題,你可以打給 Sally,她對於所有的流程很熟練。) 相關實用句型解析 1. 某人 / 某事有大幅地進步 s.b. / s.th. come a long way 例:It shouldn't be too difficult. Wireless technology has come a long way in the past few years. (這應該不會太困難。無線科技在過去的五年裡已有長足地進步。) 例:The students have come a long way since their teacher applied the new teaching method from the beginning of this semester. (自從他們的老師在這學期初開始使用新的教學方法,學生們已有很大幅地進步。) ※ 小叮嚀: "come a long way" 的主詞可為人或事物,且常搭配完成式,表示「已經」有很大地進步。 2.(對 …而言是)易如反掌的事 a piece of cake (for …) 例:It should be a piece of cake for you. (那對你們應該不成問題。) 例:It's just a piece of cake for him to get a dual degree in two years. (在兩年內得到雙學位對他而言是件易如反掌的事。) 小試身手 1. 亞洲地區的觀光品質在這幾年內已有長足地進步。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 要同時照顧三個五歲小孩絕對不是件簡單的事! _____________________________________________________________________ 請 先 練 習 再 看 解 答 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ 解答 1. The quality of tourism in Asian areas has come a long ways in these years. 2. It's never a piece of cake to take care of three five-year-old children at the same time! |