(★ 聽對話內容) 本週話題焦點:商品採購之定案
(訂購貨品時所遭遇的問題) Mark and Lisa have just placed their orders and are having a meeting to discuss their experiences. Mark 和 Lisa 剛訂完貨,他們正在開會討論他們的訂貨經驗。 |
Lisa: So how did it go? Did you encounter any problems while you were placing your orders? Lisa:進行得怎麼樣?你訂貨時有遇到什麼問題嗎?
Mark: There was one company that demanded payment terms of 100% TT in advance. A salesman said that it was his company's policy for first time purchases. Mark:有一間公司要求要事先百分之百電匯的付款方式。銷售員說這是他們公司對首次買家的政策。
Lisa: Maybe that was because you are a foreigner. Lisa:或許那是因為你是個外國人。
Mark: He must have noticed my accent when I was speaking Chinese. Mark:我說中文的時候,他一定是注意到我的口音了。
Lisa: Do you think that it will make a difference if I call him back? Lisa:你覺得如果我打回去給他,會有不一樣的結果嗎?
Mark: You can try. I'll give you all of his contact information. How about you? Mark:你可以試試看。我會給你他所有的聯絡資料。那你那邊進行得如何?
Lisa: Everything went according to plan. We just have to wait for the shipment to arrive. Lisa:每件事都照計劃進行。我們只要等貨運抵達就可以了。
Mark: What about payment terms? Mark:那付款方式呢?
Lisa: Most are L/C at sight because they have dealt with our company before.
Mark: We aren't authorized to accept TT in advance payment terms, so I really hope that you'll be able to negotiate with that company successfully. Mark:我們沒被授權接受事先百分之百電匯的付款方式,所以我真的很希望你能夠成功地和那家公司協商。
Lisa: I hope so, too. Many manufacturers in China require payments of 30% TT and 70% D/P at sight from new customers. Lisa:我也這麼希望。許多中國大陸的廠商對新買家的要求是百分之三十的電匯和百分之七十的即期付款交單。
Mark: Those payment terms are more acceptable. Mark:那樣的付款方式還比較讓人接受。
Lisa: And a lot less risky! Lisa:而且風險也比較低!