
it’s not a big deal

今天李�和 Michael二�人一起��到市中心,他�想要找�停�位。在他�二�人的��中,李���到��常用�:一�是:a big deal ,另一�是:give it a shot

M: Oh, Man, I hate trying to park in this city! There are never any spaces. Hey look! There's one!

L: 啊!我看到了那�位子,嗯,可是, Michael, 我不知道我�不�停那��。我的停�技�很差,我怕出差�把��撞了。

M: Ah! Don't worry about it! You have to learn this sooner or later. Give it a shot!

L: 你�什�? Give what? 你要 我把�怎�啦

M: I said give it a shot, that means try or give it a try. We say give a shot when we ask someone to try something they are not sure they can do.

L: 哦~,疑? 你用的字 shot, s-h-o-t. 是不是 就像��射�的那� shot

M: That's right. For instance, when you are taking a test, and you are not sure of the answer to a question, you still have to give it a shot and try to guess the correct answer.

L: 哦~give it a shot 原�指的是�量��,即使你�有多大信心。

M: That's right. Now you try and use this phrase. Go ahead, give it a shot!

L: 嗯~, 如果�你想要申�一�很好的工作,可是又怕自己得不到,你就可以�: Give it a shot! 反正你也不�有什��失的

M: You've got it.

L: 那~,�有�有其它�合可以用 shot ��字呢?

M: Well, we might also say give it your best shot.

L: 哦~, 所以我�也可以� "give it your best shot",意思 就是全力以赴去�一下。

M: That's right. Now you'd better move your car into that space. We shouldn't sit here in the middle of the road. Go ahead and park, give it a shot!

L: 好,那我就��看�。


L: 哎哦, 我的天 Michael,我撞到哪 �啦

M: Ha, Don't worry Li Hua, it's not a big deal. The bumper just hit the parking meter.

L: 你�什�大不大的呀?不管撞倒哪�都不得了啊。

M: No , no, I said it's not a big deal. That means it's not very serious.

L: 哦~, big deal 是哪��字,怎�拼?

M: Big, b-i-g; Deal, d-e-a-l. If something is a big deal it is very serious, or very important to someone.

L: 呀~ ,我明白了,�我撞上停���表的�候,你� it's not a big deal,你的意思 是�什�大不了的我�有造成 �害,�不�?

M: Yeah, at least I don't think you did. Maybe you scratched the bumper or the parking meter. You didn't really damage the car or meter, so it's not a big deal.

L: 原�如此,唉,但�你�的�。�,�有,要是不用 not ��字可不可以 啊?

M: Sure you can, for instance, it was a big deal for me when I turned 16 and got a drivers license.

L: ��,�美�青年人��啊,拿到���照真是件大事。

M: Looks like you understand how to use this phrase. Why don't you make another sentence?

L: 我就用它 句子: It was a very big deal for Chinese people when Beijing got the chance to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.

M: It sure was! I remember on TV, I saw a lot of people in Beijing partying when that happened.

L: 哎呀,�多�了,我得�快把�停好。

M: Yep, if a cop sees you stopping traffic, he might think it is a big deal. Move out of the space and try to park again. Give it another shot!


   今天李��到了��常用�: a big deal give it a shot A big deal是指很重大,或者�重的事。 Give it a shot 指的是�量去 一�


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